Discovering God Discipleship Bible Study
(weekly meeting)

Reading: Genesis 3; 2 Peter 3:7-13 | God is Patient

1) Discipleship Question: What are you thankful for this week?  This teaches disciples to be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  

2) Discipleship Question: What has stressed you out this week? This teaches disciples to bear one another’s burdens and to pray for one another (Galatians 6:2; James 5:16).  

3) Discipleship Question: What are some needs that you or your family / community may have?  This teaches disciples to minister to one another (Titus 3:14).

4) Discipleship Question: How can we help meet the needs of others? This teaches disciples to love one another (John 13:35).

5) Discipleship Question: What has God been teaching you?  This teaches disciples to be accountable to God and each other (Hebrews 4:12-13).

6) Discipleship Question: How did you respond to what God has been teaching you?  This teaches disciples to apply and obey what they are learning (James 1:22).

7) Discipleship Weekly Lesson: Read God is Patient: Who is God?

What does it mean that God is Patient?

Read first read Genesis 3 and discuss it, next read 2 Peter 3:7-13 and discuss it.

One person retell the passage in their own words. 

8) Disciples Learn Together: Is there something added or left out?  Can you back up what you are saying from the passage? This teaches disciples to learn together as they base what they learning on Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

9) Discipleship Question: What does this passage teach us about God? This teaches disciples to seek God (Luke 24:44-45)

10) Discipleship Question: What does this passage teach about people? This teaches disciples to learn about people from God (Romans 12:3).

11) Disciples Question: What is God teaching you from this passage that you must obey? This teaches disciples to apply what they are learning (Luke 6:46-49).

12) Disciples Question: Who are you discipling? This teaches disciples to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).